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Instrument Rental Night


Instrument Rental Night for 5th grade students who are beginning instrumental instruction in the Pembroke Music Department Instrumental Program is Wednesday, August 28th at 6:30 PM in the PHS cafeteria.

All 5th graders and their caregivers should plan to attend to rent their child's assigned instrument. Mr. Hawes (band) and Mr. Tarbox (strings) will be in attendance to answer any questions you may have.

The rental procedure and paperwork procedures will be gone over at 6:30 PM followed by the individual renting of instruments. The entire evening is usually about 1/2 hour in length.

Caregivers should bring a personal check or Venmo information to cover the first month's rental fee, lesson book, and purchase a music stand. Goulet & Co. will be on hand to rent all instruments.

Attached is the monthly rental fee per instrument for your reference.